Trustworthiness Strategy


The EICAR Trustworthiness Strategy is to enhance transparency in the contemporary IT Security environment and its ever evolving threats and vulnerabilities scenario and to enable trust into IT Security products that help creating a safer environment.

The strategy encompasses first steps to enhance trust and transparency into IT security products by developing minimum standards for the trustworthiness of IT security products, starting by developing minimum standards for Anti Malware-products and the development of minimum requirements for testing organizations. Subsequent steps encompass testing, verification and certification schemes and community building.

Currently EICAR is in quest of finding industry partners as corporate EICAR Members who would actively participate and contribute to the process of adaption to the constant changing environment and the furthering of the research endeavour for the verifiability of trustworthiness.

Recently the AV Test Lab “Vezprog” and the AV vendor G-Data have become new EICAR partners in the Trustworthiness Strategy.
A two days WS in week 17 (the exact days still t.b.c.) with partners is planned to be held at G-Data premises in Bochum at which the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has also indicated its interest of partnership and participation.